Two plus Two
equals Five: Enlightenment and its Deconstructionist Offspring
The reformers of the Enlightenment
had placed blame, called for reforms and led the new charge of liberalism. Liberalism at that time meant those who stood
for human liberty in the face of oppressive governments which were of course,
monarchies. It has an opposite meaning
nowadays. It means people who believe in
the redistribution of wealth and government repression of people to accomplish
a social “leveling” in society. Hitler,
Stalin, and Mao are today's liberals. It
is not difficult to see in history how these original ideals of Liberalism were
purposely turned inside out by the perpetrators of new‑think.
Before continuing it is worth
pointing out a commonly held fallacy about aristocratic societies. Such societies are labeled as being
repressive and degrading to civilization.
People wrongly consider the fruits of these systems as being only evil. The best and most dedicated servants of the
people in these systems were aristocrats.
They were groomed, trained, and educated to be worthy patriarchs of the
people over whom they ruled. The
entirety of beneficial scientific, artistic, philosophic, political and
economic ideas has come from this class of men and women. We are all heirs of their innovations which
were born of their fertile and inspired minds.
Not much has come from the
bourgeoisie other than utilitarian products with utilitarian cash value. It was men like Cicero who
advanced society, not men like Ford or Edison.
Of course, we do not devalue the entrepreneurs, but let's be honest;
there is a great difference between explaining the rights of free men and the
production of a cheap automobile. The
last owes its existence to the first.
The creation of the Model T is unthinkable without the Thomas Jeffersons
and the Isaac Newtons who queried after the bigger questions for the sake of
knowledge and for our betterment alone.
These once‑sung aristocratic heroes of civilization must be discredited
in order to secure the mental pliability and the leveling of the herd.
The Founding Fathers were our natural aristocracy. Since their generation has passed away, the nature of American politics has been infertile, even a poisoned well. The men who were meant to be the servants of the people have become popinjays for mammon. We are left with nothing even resembling a natural intellectual aristocracy inAmerica . We are subjected to the shallow political
discussions of the “talking heads” on the evening news each night. Neither the politicians nor the spinners of
political newthink have entertained an independent thought since they went to
the indoctrination centers we call colleges and universities. These intellectual prostitutes have become
our Orwellian Ministry of Truth and Ministry of Love. They teach us how we should feel and how to
not think.
This is a very brief overview of how ideas rule the world through shape‑shifting reality by way of “higher education.” The enlightenment was the origin of the educational sewage that would pollute the steam of absolute truth. Once absolute truth was taken out of the “intellectual” equation, abject nonsense could be masqueraded as truth.
The Founding Fathers were our natural aristocracy. Since their generation has passed away, the nature of American politics has been infertile, even a poisoned well. The men who were meant to be the servants of the people have become popinjays for mammon. We are left with nothing even resembling a natural intellectual aristocracy in
This is a very brief overview of how ideas rule the world through shape‑shifting reality by way of “higher education.” The enlightenment was the origin of the educational sewage that would pollute the steam of absolute truth. Once absolute truth was taken out of the “intellectual” equation, abject nonsense could be masqueraded as truth.
Most universities in the Western
world through the 18th century had begun as Christian schools. Christianity was the cornerstone of Western
education. In fact, all the great
universities in American began foundationally as Christian colleges. Society had once been anchored to unmovable
Truth. Truth with a capital “T” had
always been found in the Christian faith and the millennial‑tested moral
conscience of human society. The
Enlightenment unleashed a movement to call these foundational standards into question. All this was done in the name of tolerance,
reason, liberty, and equality. (Sound familiar?) The new moveable anchors were transformed
into “golden calves” to call the ignorant and needy masses to worship at the
altar of class warfare.
Once this practice to trust in
nothing became scholastically vogue, an educator could use the new alchemy to
move his students, who actually thought they were being enlightened, into a
place where he could suck their souls dry, leaving them husks, a vacuum of weakness
and dependency. In these institutions of
“higher learning” they were also transformed into arrogant missionaries, attack
dogs against the very ideas that had been the inspiration for everything they
once held dear. Now in their eyeless
state, the one who could assemble the most novel argument to discredit the
white/male/conservative‑European stronghold of knowledge became the hero of new
liberalism. Because they had neither
measuring line nor logical method, they were left to discuss, with turning of
eyes, the current deconstructionist yellow brick road.
definition of deconstruction is: Philosophical movement and theory of literary
criticism that questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity, and
truth; asserts that words can only refer to other words; and attempts to
demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meanings (American
Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition).
A deconstructionist assumes nothing
means what it says, so it can mean whatever he wants it to say or what he
thinks it should say (as long as it says something politically correct and
nonjudgmental [unless you were judging White Christian males]).
This magical transformation of
intelligentsia was accomplished in the very education system that had originally
been intended to empower the next generation with knowledge to live their lives
in liberty and pursue their happiness in an organized and comprehensible
world. To accomplish this transformation
from meaning to meaninglessness, the first obstacle to be confronted was that
troublesome notion that there is an absolute, or that there are absolutes. We must be absolutely certain that there are
no absolutes. (At least smile.) They knew their enemy was the Platonic
philosophic school of thought. Even more
dangerous than that was the Christian worldview; people who hold this view are
implacable in their beliefs about right and wrong, their freedom to say so, and
to live their lives accordingly. The
notion of changeable truth needed to be introduced under scholarly authority,
(an oxymoron even if you're ordered to believe it is not).
The shift to changeable truth came
from a man named Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 ‑ November 14,
1831). He was on the cusp of the
Enlightenment. He passed away just as
Communism was experimentally being introduced in the young USA
by a man named Clinton Roosevelt.
Clinton Roosevelt was the great‑grandfather of the two presidential Roosevelt(s) . FDR's New Deal program was Clinton
Roosevelt's program to sell the Communist system to the USA
by other means, because the USA
had not willingly bought it while he was alive in the 1830s. For chronological understanding, we must
realize that Roosevelt and his Illuminati buddies had a well‑organized
Communist system designed twenty years before Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels
published The Communist Manifesto.
If Communism=Illuminism, it is easy to doubt how so many things just
seem to happen in perfect coordination around the world, as if they were
During the Enlightenment, our ideas
concerning freedom were turned upside‑down.
Americans had declared that freedom was endowed by God and that humans
were equal before the law, that they were all free to pursue happiness
according to the talents God gave them. Liberty was
sacred and from eternal realms. Equality
was a condition that appreciated everyone's value before God and that God had
made people of many different talents and gifts. Equality respected these differences as
aspects of God's creative power. The
Enlightenment and its offspring attacked these ideals in order to discredit
their origin. Freedom was expanded so as
to take freedoms from one group in order to give them to another group, a
desecration of the Founders' ideals, but a transformation needed by the
Illuminati. Human freedom under God's
perfect order and law, the basis of western civilization, was being
assaulted. Freedom needed to be
transformed into the right to do anything, even to abort babies, let men marry
men, permit pornography and perversion and to make anything acceptable in order
to undermine the self‑evident truths the Americans had believed in.
Freedom became the right to make war
against whatever offended certain groups (who were just allowed a little more
freedom than others). How much weaker
can one possibly confess to being? Say
“Animal Farm.” The notion of equality
was also turned into a hammer to destroy its origin and beauty. This is because God made us all of equal
value. He did not make us all the
same. The modern liberal demands
that everyone should be given equal benefits.
But this is a demand to rob from the rich in order to give to the less
rich. If they aren't equal in talent and
acuity, why should they have equal rewards?
The once beautiful ideal of equality had now been turned into the sword
to carve the individual into that which he is not and make him do that which he
does not chose to do freely. The
successful are punished for their great contributions and those who contribute
little are rewarded . . . for nothing, or their dependency. This destroys the soul of both. Instead of liberalism taking on the beasts
and dragons of oppression which thwart the individual's right to do as God
gives him the light in his soul to do, it becomes the oppressor that fires the
furnace of the final solution to the problem of Christian freedom. The beasts and dragons are the new
“liberals.” This is the kind of thinking
that the modern university produces: people who blame others, have no self‑reliance
and will never defy the whip held over their fearful, suppliant and cowering
The ideals of the Declaration of
Independence met the Illuminati in the Enlightenment and freedom became slavery
under a jack boot while equality became glib‑commonness at the muzzle of a
gun. And the happy humans began to
request the jack boot of oppression and to be thankful for it.
Hegel's materialistic philosophy was based in the hegemony of the state, so as to distance people from that antiquated notion, from the Dark Ages, that God was the ruler of Heaven and earth. The term “Dark Ages” was invented as a part of this brain‑screw. It produces the idea that the medieval people were without education and literacy and that they were superstitious because they believed in God and His authority. They were in fact well behind the intellectual development of, say, elites inConstantinople ,
but to consider them ignorant barbarians just because of their faith and
illiteracy is both prejudiced and unfair.
At this time the whole world was illiterate. Even the number of men who could read
languages available in written form was probably under 20 (maybe under 6 I have
heard from a reliable source) in the entire western world. To think them ignorant because of their faith
is nothing more than seeds of modernism purposely planted in us.
Hegel's materialistic philosophy was based in the hegemony of the state, so as to distance people from that antiquated notion, from the Dark Ages, that God was the ruler of Heaven and earth. The term “Dark Ages” was invented as a part of this brain‑screw. It produces the idea that the medieval people were without education and literacy and that they were superstitious because they believed in God and His authority. They were in fact well behind the intellectual development of, say, elites in
People of faith are among the most
compassionate and generous throughout history.
Early Christians stood out among the Romans because of the love they had
one for another. When compared to self‑motivated
people who give out of the abundance of their hearts and their free choice,
what the collective welfare States of Britain
and the USA
give to the needy is a joke. During the
Japanese earthquake and nuclear crises in 2011, the U.S.
government marshaled its resources and sent its aid after abundant posturing
and policy propagandizing. What we were
not told was how many American companies, churches and other philanthropic
organizations had immediately moved in and accomplished miracles. Companies like Wal-Mart had shiploads of
water on the way to the suffering Japanese people well before the federal
government‑authorized plans had been propagandized and ordered. This shows us that governments are the
problem and if they would just leave us alone and get out of the way, we would
take care of each other better, with more compassion and understanding than
anything they can do for us. (Dark
Ages?) Simply word shift and repetition
to help us forget what we know and to make us not see what is under our
Now back to the Hegelian Dialectic and his place in the onset of materialism. According to his philosophy, the individual existed for the state, not the other way around, as those dreamers like Hobbes and Rousseau had believed. Oh, Jefferson and his Founding Father buddies believed it too. Truth, according to Hegel, was in a constant state of transformation in an ever‑changing world. His idea is called the theory of the dialectic. The dialectic gets its name from the Socratic method which is based on the technique the Greek philosophers used to express their arguments. They were written as dialogues between the master, i.e., Socrates, and the student inquisitor, say Insomnia. Plato's Cave is written as such a dialectic dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon. They read like the script to a play. These dialogues are contrived and directed in such a way as to cover a subject extensively and overcome any arguments against its contentions, so the lesson would be conveyed.
Now back to the Hegelian Dialectic and his place in the onset of materialism. According to his philosophy, the individual existed for the state, not the other way around, as those dreamers like Hobbes and Rousseau had believed. Oh, Jefferson and his Founding Father buddies believed it too. Truth, according to Hegel, was in a constant state of transformation in an ever‑changing world. His idea is called the theory of the dialectic. The dialectic gets its name from the Socratic method which is based on the technique the Greek philosophers used to express their arguments. They were written as dialogues between the master, i.e., Socrates, and the student inquisitor, say Insomnia. Plato's Cave is written as such a dialectic dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon. They read like the script to a play. These dialogues are contrived and directed in such a way as to cover a subject extensively and overcome any arguments against its contentions, so the lesson would be conveyed.
The question‑and‑answer method found
in the Socratic dialogue is the basis of our educational methodology and of our
legal practices. This is the dialectics
of the logical method for which Aristotle wrote the rules. Hegel also represents materialism which is
simply a presupposition, the theory that assumes that all that we know is only
what we can measure and observe with our senses. The spiritual side of man is not observable,
so it is ignored by the dedicated “materialist.” He cannot see it so he assumes it is not
there. Oh, yes, materialists still hold
some things dear, like love, justice, liberty, brotherhood and other things
that can't be quantified or seen. They
are forced to overlook the non‑observable, non‑measurable characteristics of
such things for the sake of their argument.
Hypocrisy is such an insidious conundrum. (That would make a good song.)
Hegel's dialectic proposes that societal truth marches according to a two‑sided dialogue. The first side is the conservative group who holds to the old system of values. A new generation comes along and they want to overthrow the old system because they see its shortcomings. The old group represents the thesis and the new group represents the antithesis. The nation where this process is going on is moving through a transformation. Neither side wins completely. Both sides make concessions and end up with a compromise of their actual desires. What comes out of the debate is a synthesis of elements from the thesis and the antithesis. The synthesis is a little of the old mixed with a little of the new. This is compromise for both sides. The Hegelian dialectic looks like this: Thesis›‹antithesis=synthesis.
Hegel's dialectic proposes that societal truth marches according to a two‑sided dialogue. The first side is the conservative group who holds to the old system of values. A new generation comes along and they want to overthrow the old system because they see its shortcomings. The old group represents the thesis and the new group represents the antithesis. The nation where this process is going on is moving through a transformation. Neither side wins completely. Both sides make concessions and end up with a compromise of their actual desires. What comes out of the debate is a synthesis of elements from the thesis and the antithesis. The synthesis is a little of the old mixed with a little of the new. This is compromise for both sides. The Hegelian dialectic looks like this: Thesis›‹antithesis=synthesis.
This is an interesting proposal
about how "truth" is arrived at.
Notice that if you can somehow determine both sides of the argument and
impose limits on it, you can determine the outcome and, therefore, create new
truths. God is no longer the arbitrator
or the standard bearer and vuala! Man is god, and truth is subject to human
Another look at the Hegelian notion of truth reveals how thoroughly it was infused into the mainstream. During the period of the French Revolution when they wrote the second Constitution of 1793 which abolished the monarchy and condemned the king, the National Assembly was controlled by the radicals. The facility where the National Assembly met was set up like a theater. From the stage where the elected leaders ran the legislative process, they could view sections of seating divided by two aisles. There was a section of seats in the center divided on either side by an aisle, and further seating to the left and right.
Another look at the Hegelian notion of truth reveals how thoroughly it was infused into the mainstream. During the period of the French Revolution when they wrote the second Constitution of 1793 which abolished the monarchy and condemned the king, the National Assembly was controlled by the radicals. The facility where the National Assembly met was set up like a theater. From the stage where the elected leaders ran the legislative process, they could view sections of seating divided by two aisles. There was a section of seats in the center divided on either side by an aisle, and further seating to the left and right.
The seats on the left side of the
National Assembly were held by the radicals of the revolution. They demanded an end to the monarchy, an end
of the Catholic Church, and an end to class structure. These extremists wanted to make sweeping,
radical changes to France
and they were the fire behind the Reign of Terror. From this period comes our identification of
the "left" as being the radical and scary political side which
demands massive changes to the present political system. In America
this would be the Democratic Party calling for abortion, increased taxation,
more entitlement programs and government regulations. These are considered the radical left because
they are the opposite of the ideals of a restrained government like our
Founding Fathers built into our Constitutional system to protect individual
The seats to the right side of the podium held the conservative members of the Assembly. The conservatives were suspicious of sweeping changes to the status quo. They supported a Constitutional Monarchy similar to whatBritain
had. They supported the dispersion of
power under the king to groups like a legislative branch to act as a check on
the monarch's power. They would never
have supported the king's execution or other radical ideas coming from
extremist groups like the Jacobins and the Sans Culottes. In the United States ,
there is no true conservative party anymore.
The Republican Party supposedly represents this side, but its behavior
betrays its willingness to act in cooperation with radical agendas. There truly is not a dime's difference
between the two parties, but for the sake of this discussion I will use the
Founding Fathers and their ideals as guideposts for what should be the
conservative side of U.S.
The seats to the right side of the podium held the conservative members of the Assembly. The conservatives were suspicious of sweeping changes to the status quo. They supported a Constitutional Monarchy similar to what
A genuine American conservative
party would support the Constitution, its restraints on government and its job
to protect the liberties of the people as its first priority. Such a conservative party would do things
like this: It would end the Federal
Reserve, abolish the graduated income tax, end the public school system, end
all free trade agreements and our ties with the UN. It would immediately destroy every nation
that has challenged, attacked, or terrorized our citizens or their interests,
including the abolition of every government bureaucracy ever created. You get the picture. In our country the conservative side has been
so perverted, it no longer exists. Any
powerful and insurmountable idea must be infiltrated and polluted to be
destroyed. Remember how Rome destroyed
Christianity? Same tactic.
Now we come to the group in the middle if the National Assembly. These were neither conservatives nor radicals. They were ‑‑ get ready with the warm and cozy feelings you have had shoved down your unknowing throat for years in the American political theater about this group ‑‑ they are the . . . moderates. InFrance ,
the moderates were politically in the middle on most issues. They might vote for the abolition of the
monarchy or the abolition of the class structure or they might not. This group is wishy‑washy on most
issues. In this way they appear
to be careful and not extreme. They have
been made to look like the balancing faction between the two extremist
groups, the radical left and the conservative right. Moderates have neither convictions nor
beliefs so they are a big zero politically, unless if you look at how the game
has been set up.
Now we come to the group in the middle if the National Assembly. These were neither conservatives nor radicals. They were ‑‑ get ready with the warm and cozy feelings you have had shoved down your unknowing throat for years in the American political theater about this group ‑‑ they are the . . . moderates. In
In America ,
the moderate politician is promoted by the government media talking heads as
the protective balance between the two extremist sides as in Bush and
Clinton. Whenever the differences
between the parties become wide, both the political parties' candidates try to
turn moderate. They do this to put
people at ease.
This is the most important group in politics. InAmerica ,
people to the right know politically what they believe and who they are. Politicians don't focus on these people when
they make speeches because they cannot change a politically fixed and
determined mind. It's the same way with
the left. They are determined radicals
who want the government to take care of them, like the Nazis did the
Germans. They are not educated enough to
know otherwise. The happy slave will
vote for his chains anyway so there is no need to try to make speeches to the
This is the most important group in politics. In
The moderate, because he has neither
determination nor clear beliefs, is the target for all political campaigning. The moderate is presented as the clearer and
more balanced position in a political spectrum endangered by radicals on both
sides. The moderate is said to be the
leveler in the politics of extremism.
The moderate, being both ignorant and a coward will always refuse to
take an extreme stand on any issue. So
the Slick Willie of political jargon sees this group as the target for his
lies, deception, and his promises. Whoever
can sway the moderate vote will control the election. If this tactic doesn't work, there is another
mathematically perfect tactic. Since
it's right‑Republicans against the left‑Democrats in a two‑party system, like
the one that has been designed for us in the U.S. of A., all you need to do is
split the vote with a third‑party candidate and the outcome of the election can
be predetermined - election engineering at its finest.
Visual of the political game
Radical Left
Demanded sweeping changes to the system,
Democrate, Communist
Wishy-washy, are easily manipulated by
electioneers (focus of campaigns)
Conservative Right
Defend the present system, Republican,
What I have just explained is how
the Hegelian dialectic removed God from our reality and made us into children
of the state. In this condition we are
subject to changes by a continual battle between forces of change and forces of
stability. The masterminds of this two
party dialectic create an issue and then they organize its opposition. They control both sides of all political
debate; they control the direction of the nation. There are no good guys in this system; there
are only opposing ideas that represent nothing but the destructive raw material
for change (our loss/their gain).
The French
Revolutionary government experiment shoved a political system that worked this
way into experimental use before Hegel wrote his master‑work describing how
truth moves with competing radical/conservative groups via
thesis/antithesis=synthesis. One might
be tempted to say he learned from history and wrote down a system explaining
what he saw. My thesis is that this was
choreographed and well planned, and it was guided by a "hidden hand"
each step of the way to basically present to us new shadows on the cave's wall
and help us to love them and embrace them as reality. I remind you that many people warned us about
this: Plato, Moses, Jesus, Paul, Michelangelo, da Vinci, and the Founding
Fathers to name but a few.
world we live in is designed and organized according to social engineers. The Enlightenment is the institutionalized
beginning of human brainwashing, which was part and parcel of the revolutionary
period and the movement toward our modern world system of human control.
There is a famous book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. It was originally published in 1966 by Carroll Quigley. It is called Tragedy and Hope because it is the history of how the knowing ones (Illuminati) are guiding our world events secretly behind the scenes. They represent, in his opinion, the “Hope” of the world. Those who still believe in antiquated individual liberties and middle class rights represent the “Tragedy” of the human race. In his opinion we should all willingly submit our all to the institutionalized global empire that these illuminated ones have planned for us.
There is a famous book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. It was originally published in 1966 by Carroll Quigley. It is called Tragedy and Hope because it is the history of how the knowing ones (Illuminati) are guiding our world events secretly behind the scenes. They represent, in his opinion, the “Hope” of the world. Those who still believe in antiquated individual liberties and middle class rights represent the “Tragedy” of the human race. In his opinion we should all willingly submit our all to the institutionalized global empire that these illuminated ones have planned for us.
In his volume, Quigley admits to
having worked with this secret organization for many years, having been given
access to some of its secret records to do his research. He was a professor of merit at Georgetown
and Harvard
Universities . He worked with the Rhodes scholarship
program, which recruits young men and women of high intellectual ability into
this conspiracy. The program produces
the conspiracy's useful servant‑leaders to be planted in important business and
government positions in order to carry out its plans. Quigley openly says that he agrees with its
plans for the world, but he disagrees with its desire to remain secret. He thinks it should work in the open because
he believes that its “role in history is significant enough to be known.” He believes that this conspiracy has been so
successful in promoting its goals for the world that it would be impossible to
fight it at this point anyway.
He reveals some startling things about how the
world works according to the plans of this conspiracy. He says about the modern world system that it
is above all, “planned,” “the expert will replace the industrial tycoon even as
he will replace the democratic voter in the political system. This is because planning will inevitably
replace laissez faire in the relationship between the two systems.” “Hopefully, the elements of choice and
freedom may survive for the ordinary individual in that he may be free to make
a choice between two opposing political groups (even if these political groups
have little policy choice within the parameters of policy established by the
experts) and he may have the choice to switch his economic support from one
large unit to another. But, in general,
his freedom and choice will be controlled between very narrow alternatives by
the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through
his educational training, through his required military or other required
public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and
his final retirement and death benefits.” 866
It is chilling to think that our
lives, our choices, our course in life have been so pre‑planned. It is even more chilling to realize that the
microcomputer was only in its formative stages as he wrote. Look where computers are now. On pages 1247‑8 Quigley admits that the
Democratic party and the Republican party are run by the congressional party
organs. They only symbolically represent
the right‑“conservative middle class” and the left‑“fringes and
minorities.” The truth is that this has
been designed by planners who have guided us by limiting our choices, which is
the very lever of the political illusions they dance before our believing eyes
every day. We vote their choices,
incorporate their info, and live by their rules. We live in a Hegelian, two‑sided world which
lets us imagine we are free and have choices, while “Big Brother” leads us into
a planned and determined existence from birth to death.
I inserted the Hegelian dialect in
the midst of talking about the Enlightenment and connected it to the French
revolutionary governments for a reason.
One look at our modern world will
reveal the success of their plans. What
began as a movement for human Liberty has
become mere manipulation of the masses by Illuminated human engineers. All I need now is the RIFD Chip planted under
the skin of my hand or my forehead to make me a perfect member of the global
state, virtual prison‑camp. The
discussion of Hegelian dialect displays the patience and long‑term vision that
these enemies of freedom, individual liberty, and Christianity actually
have. Now we shall return to the
Communist ideal that Hegel was laying the basis for.
Karl Marx adopted Hegel's dialectic and called his theory dialectical materialism since it had to do with money. Marx's (or Engel's as a co‑writer) theory was based on Hegel's theory. Marx dedicated The Communist Manifesto to none other than Charles Darwin. This was becauseDarwin
"revealed" that man evolved and was subject to natural laws and not
to some higher authority such as a Creator.
This is the theology of materialism.
See how these things happened almost as if they were made for each
other. Conspiracy, shomiracy!
Karl Marx adopted Hegel's dialectic and called his theory dialectical materialism since it had to do with money. Marx's (or Engel's as a co‑writer) theory was based on Hegel's theory. Marx dedicated The Communist Manifesto to none other than Charles Darwin. This was because
The materialist would argue that
European society was experiencing a great “leap forward” of learning and
knowledge. They were now ready for the next step in introducing reforms for the
betterment of mankind. A well‑reorganized
society, built by compassionate, humanistic reformers could solve all the
problems that have been insurmountable obstacles to human progress. Does that mean progress for a race of self‑reliant
individuals, living free, or for a "race of happy humans”? (Chimps?)
Isn't there a new movie about the Planet of the Apes out? That couldn't possibly mean something, could
it? Stop scratching.
The darkest notion of human control is a Latin phrase, Ordo ab Chao. This means “order out of chaos.” The Illuminati targeted the European Freemason organizations as instruments for promoting their plan for world control. They infiltrated the French Freemasons as organs for driving the food shortages, the terror, and the genocide during the French Revolution as they were led by Jacobin conspirators. The Illuminati's dark plans were being carried out even after they were caught and exposed. “Order out of chaos” is an effective way to control society. If they create the mess, they can save the day and, Vuala, they can create a society more to their liking while becoming the heroes of the hour. Further, if they control knowledge by controlling education, they can create an intellectual dilemma and then design its answer. Even if their new “answer” is not swallowed whole by the masses its synthesis will at least infiltrate the mainstream and alter the thinking of society in the desired direction.
Hegelian Dialectics is a good way to direct how people think about themselves, their world, and their responsibilities in society. (Think about this when you watch the news.) They understood that if they were patient enough, they could eventually get society to accept anything. They might even agree to kill some of their neighbors. Oh yeah, the French liberals had already brought about that synthesis of unwisdom.
The Enlightenment opened the door for “enlightened” change. Hegel set the standard for materialistic truth in a world centered in the authority of the state. In the citadels of education around the globe, new schools of thought were promoted. During these years students of means chose to go to universities where the ideas of the likes of Hegel, Nietzsche, and Max Weber, Wellenhausen were sacrosanct. Many colleges with reputable professors and respected theorists were the driving force of Western world intelligentsia. There was purpose in their driving. They understood that thinking itself was dangerous and must be controlled. It must further be taken to the next step of intellectual castration.
The darkest notion of human control is a Latin phrase, Ordo ab Chao. This means “order out of chaos.” The Illuminati targeted the European Freemason organizations as instruments for promoting their plan for world control. They infiltrated the French Freemasons as organs for driving the food shortages, the terror, and the genocide during the French Revolution as they were led by Jacobin conspirators. The Illuminati's dark plans were being carried out even after they were caught and exposed. “Order out of chaos” is an effective way to control society. If they create the mess, they can save the day and, Vuala, they can create a society more to their liking while becoming the heroes of the hour. Further, if they control knowledge by controlling education, they can create an intellectual dilemma and then design its answer. Even if their new “answer” is not swallowed whole by the masses its synthesis will at least infiltrate the mainstream and alter the thinking of society in the desired direction.
Hegelian Dialectics is a good way to direct how people think about themselves, their world, and their responsibilities in society. (Think about this when you watch the news.) They understood that if they were patient enough, they could eventually get society to accept anything. They might even agree to kill some of their neighbors. Oh yeah, the French liberals had already brought about that synthesis of unwisdom.
The Enlightenment opened the door for “enlightened” change. Hegel set the standard for materialistic truth in a world centered in the authority of the state. In the citadels of education around the globe, new schools of thought were promoted. During these years students of means chose to go to universities where the ideas of the likes of Hegel, Nietzsche, and Max Weber, Wellenhausen were sacrosanct. Many colleges with reputable professors and respected theorists were the driving force of Western world intelligentsia. There was purpose in their driving. They understood that thinking itself was dangerous and must be controlled. It must further be taken to the next step of intellectual castration.
If logic is utilized for the
journey, materialism, as a theory, goes only to dark places. If there is no God, then there is no right or
wrong or meaning whatsoever. May we be
candid? Osns idfno innnddl tosznddl
htht5h. What I am trying to point out is
that in a world governed by time and chance only, all that I want, think, say
and do is as sensible as the random thing I just wrote above. We and our understanding of the world becomes
gibberish (or hibgeibsr). Are you getting this? In the world of “survival of the fittest,”
all that is left us is the food chain, who eats whom. There is also no such thing as human freedom
because the thing that formed by happenstance, time and accidents of nature can
never be free of its predetermined subjection to natural laws. What then exists can never have purpose for
its existence, and to think in such terms is itself illogical.
But wait, it gets even better; how
far down the rabbit hole would you like to go?
The mind itself, which runs on logic, causes us to try to figure things
out, organize our world, and try to make sense of it. How or why would such a device evolve if
there was nothing to know? The existence
of the human brain with its ability to reason is inexplicable. What is it for? How can we, with our brains, be the highest
of all evolved creatures? Only our
poorest and most undeveloped peoples multiply like rabbits. Survival of the fittest? Where?
Why should we try to help the weak and helpless, who are destined by
nature for the scrap‑heap of survival of the fittest? I don't believe in evolution because I have never
seen anybody live according to an observable faith in it; oh, except
Nazis and Marxist/Leninist Communists.
Maybe they aren't living by faith in it; they are just doing what
murderous megalomaniacs do. But I digress.
Darwin has
little value as a biologist or a scientist, but concerning his contribution to
our descent into slavery, he's the man.
This is why Darwin 's
theory was invented and promoted. It
also makes perfect sense as to its release to the public. "Hidden hand"? Can you see what I am pointing at which is
right in front of us? In light of
nature, if we evolved and if life has no greater purpose, then we are the most
dedicated violators of the law of nature that can be imagined. This is the entire purpose behind his theory
and its propagandization.
If we evolved, then termites or ants
are the best of us since they are the most prevalent and insurmountable, except
maybe plankton? I would have rather been
a bird; no job, no taxes, no government, no criminals, etc. I could just fly anywhere. Why should I worry about thinking about
stuff? Look at the human race. They chose amusement and/or will do most
anything to avoid thinking. The
Enlightenment was anything but. Under
the power of the Enlightenment, Materialism and Deconstructionism, truth became
subject to nothing but the gullibility of the audience. And remember, if it smacked of Christianity
or Absolutes, it was laughed to scorn and relegated to the lunatic fringe. You could literally argue for anything and
get away with it as long as it was politically correct according to current
intellectual trends.
Here are a few of the intellectual byproducts of evolutionary theory. In education, the Social Studies replaced the Humanities. Human populations were now studied just as you would analyze populations of any other species of animal. Social Studies is merely the scrutiny of the human ant colony and its diverse branches. It had replaced the study of the Humanities, which is an exploration of the deeper achievements of man marked by religion, philosophy and government using classical civilization as a benchmark. Why worry about the valuable achievements of the human spirit, the fruits of our genius, or our highest ideals? We're just ... whatever.
That brings us to Anthropology. The “great” Franz Boaz “realized” that we should study every culture, no matter how strange its customs may appear to us, in light of its own identity. All customs and practices of a culture must be evaluated not through our Western, Anglo, Victorian/Protestant, middle class glasses, but in light of the culture's own values. Keep a stiff upper lip, just apply the awakened idea of “cultural relativity” when understanding other cultures. If a people's institutionalized eating of live first‑born children offends us, we need to show more enlightenment and understanding. We just don't "get" them yet.
Born out of the Materialistic view, psychology and all of its branches have turned us into everything from a psychosexual mess of the ego's battle with the id to a rat on a table ready to be psychologically reconditioned, redesigned, and made into a more useful member of the herd of compliant and soulless workers.
Historian Charles Beard applied deconstructionist theory to the U.S. Founding Fathers. He helped us to view them not as Christian statesmen trying to create a better nation on a surer foundation, but that they were actually rich aristocrats trying to create a system that protected their financial security and their own class's control over the system in perpetuity. In light of this, “Give me liberty or give me death” was already taking on new meaning. This may cause you to either put your hand over your heart less enthusiastically or to put your hands over your ears.
The study of language was transformed from the study of “dead” classical languages into the dissection of languages to find the cultural world‑view concealed therein. This was the very inspiration that led Modern Biblical Scholars to propose that the scriptures should be analyzed as myths concealed in obscure languages awaiting the discovery of their true hidden meanings by these self‑appointed experts. This led them to see, hidden in the scriptures, an amalgamation of ancient religious traditions all thrown together in a new pot and simmered into nonsense. Thus it contained nothing supernatural or monumental, just a bunch of traditions and myths. This launched the “God is Dead” Neo‑Orthodox theological movement that turned Christianity into nothing more than a preference among many choices. It also became an instrument of the modern Progressive Socialist movement, a direct assault upon our once‑valued freedom. And to think, we owe it all toDarwin that we
know better than to think at all.
Remember how popular Jackson Pollack's paintings were? He used these ideas and their logical chaotic stupidity to reveal the randomness of all things, and they cheered him for it. Art borne of chaos, nothingness, time plus chance equals ... what, five? Or it can equal whatever you say. They pay millions of dollars for this insult. Picasso anyone? The Enlightenment showed us how enlightened people were permitted to think. It put the finishing touches on the mental cage containing the free society, or ant farm. Are you glad you're enlightened? Do you realize that "intelligent" men try to teach monkeys to talk?
Here are a few of the intellectual byproducts of evolutionary theory. In education, the Social Studies replaced the Humanities. Human populations were now studied just as you would analyze populations of any other species of animal. Social Studies is merely the scrutiny of the human ant colony and its diverse branches. It had replaced the study of the Humanities, which is an exploration of the deeper achievements of man marked by religion, philosophy and government using classical civilization as a benchmark. Why worry about the valuable achievements of the human spirit, the fruits of our genius, or our highest ideals? We're just ... whatever.
That brings us to Anthropology. The “great” Franz Boaz “realized” that we should study every culture, no matter how strange its customs may appear to us, in light of its own identity. All customs and practices of a culture must be evaluated not through our Western, Anglo, Victorian/Protestant, middle class glasses, but in light of the culture's own values. Keep a stiff upper lip, just apply the awakened idea of “cultural relativity” when understanding other cultures. If a people's institutionalized eating of live first‑born children offends us, we need to show more enlightenment and understanding. We just don't "get" them yet.
Born out of the Materialistic view, psychology and all of its branches have turned us into everything from a psychosexual mess of the ego's battle with the id to a rat on a table ready to be psychologically reconditioned, redesigned, and made into a more useful member of the herd of compliant and soulless workers.
Historian Charles Beard applied deconstructionist theory to the U.S. Founding Fathers. He helped us to view them not as Christian statesmen trying to create a better nation on a surer foundation, but that they were actually rich aristocrats trying to create a system that protected their financial security and their own class's control over the system in perpetuity. In light of this, “Give me liberty or give me death” was already taking on new meaning. This may cause you to either put your hand over your heart less enthusiastically or to put your hands over your ears.
The study of language was transformed from the study of “dead” classical languages into the dissection of languages to find the cultural world‑view concealed therein. This was the very inspiration that led Modern Biblical Scholars to propose that the scriptures should be analyzed as myths concealed in obscure languages awaiting the discovery of their true hidden meanings by these self‑appointed experts. This led them to see, hidden in the scriptures, an amalgamation of ancient religious traditions all thrown together in a new pot and simmered into nonsense. Thus it contained nothing supernatural or monumental, just a bunch of traditions and myths. This launched the “God is Dead” Neo‑Orthodox theological movement that turned Christianity into nothing more than a preference among many choices. It also became an instrument of the modern Progressive Socialist movement, a direct assault upon our once‑valued freedom. And to think, we owe it all to
Remember how popular Jackson Pollack's paintings were? He used these ideas and their logical chaotic stupidity to reveal the randomness of all things, and they cheered him for it. Art borne of chaos, nothingness, time plus chance equals ... what, five? Or it can equal whatever you say. They pay millions of dollars for this insult. Picasso anyone? The Enlightenment showed us how enlightened people were permitted to think. It put the finishing touches on the mental cage containing the free society, or ant farm. Are you glad you're enlightened? Do you realize that "intelligent" men try to teach monkeys to talk?
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